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Photo Gallery:  Week 18d (August 13-19, 2007)


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What else can one do when it's raining in the Grand Teton National Park besides update one's eaglemoon.net website in the Jackson Lake Lodge lobby.  (8/17)

The rain let up for a little bit, so we we headed to the southern side of the park towards Jenny Lake and the new Discovery and Visitor Center that opened just last week.

At the newly built Discovery and Visitor Center, Elena is all too happy to contribute her two-cent's worth for this transportation survey.

Inside the center

Now we could really see the differences

An early dinner at the base of Signal Mountain with a nice spot on Jackson Lake, soon to be the site of our rock skipping match

Jackson Lake

Here we go...

The circle in the center indicates where the camera caught the rock after several solid skips!

Oh yeah, says Elena.  Looks like her rock is a winner...

And it is!  Elena has several great skips to be declared the winner of the day.

And she knows it!

The thrill of victory...

...and the agony of defeat!

Our last night at the Tetons left us with this beautiful scene as it began to rain again throughout the night

Leaving the Tetons, we cruised through Wyoming and headed for Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota, about a 500 mile drive.  (8/18)

The light at the end of the tunnel

(No one saw THAT caption coming, I'm sure!)

Just like grandma used to make!  Dining in Cody, Wyoming

Fire in the distance over the mountain range

We decided to have the wedding in Connecticut because we c'antelope!

We arrived in Custer, South Dakota, last night, and decided to take the hour-long scenic drive to Mt. Rushmore through Custer State Park.  (8/19)

Wild turkey crossing

For the kids' sake, I refrained from my original caption to this picture, so you'll just have to trust me - it was funny!


We decided not to pick up these hitchhikers as they looked like a couple of troublemakers (especially the small one!)

Our first Mount Rushmore sighting, seen through this one-lane tunnel, one of the few tunnels along a wildly curvaceous road to the mount.

Finding out what's happing today at Mount Rushmore

The obligatory, "Can you please take our picture?"

Mount Rushmore, started in 1927, finished in 1941

The Avenue of Flags, where every state flag is proudly displayed





I call this picture, "Perspective"

Gutzon Borglum, 1867-1941

The sculptor, of Danish descent

"A monument's dimensions should be determined by the importance to civilization of the events commemorated... Let us place there, carved high, as close to heaven as we can, the words of our leaders, their faces, to show posterity what matter of men they were.  Then breathe a prayer that these records will endure until the wind and the rain alone shale wear them away."

~Gutzon Borglum

George's head is as large as a six-story building

Dimensions of George's head:  Forehead to chin, 60 feet; width of eye, 11 feet; length of nose, 20 feet; width of mouth, 18 feet


Mountain goats along the side of the road as we left the monument


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